Thursday, May 3, 2012

C87& 88

   1) i believe that you can make any of them good
past= midevil times with the knights trying to overtake the throne
present = military hero that decides to take on his own side
future = one badass fighter-pilot fighting multitudes against the odds


   2) i think that it is better to not have love at all as long as you have had ways to still enjoy yourself
   3) kill the bad guys then fallow the memories


   2)mortal in enchanted land because if the mortal is the main charicter it becomes hard not to kill him
   2) a dark, blank room then when the light turn on they will see a "bottmless pit" in their way right as they are about to "fall in it"

italian neorealism and indapendant cinima

brick = it was kind of slow and confusing but interesting. it described how people act to help protect others and how low people can go and how nothing is ever complete

do the right thing = the people are basic people living their lives and was very realistic the ending was not completly expected and was very dramatic


2) a story i once read that descibed vividly how dull and boring life is and how messed up people are


3) whichever movies make them the most money


depends on which genre i did if it was comedy then it will be pretty fast or action. but if its drama it might take a while longer. then id probibly decide to use a coupple different genres  and you moight find one fast and the other may be halfway through it